
It looks as if in the last nine years of my life I have been a wife and a mother. I’m much more than this. I am curious about life, about the new cultures I meet whenever I move with my family to a new Country. I have lived in 6 different Countries and in 10 years of marriage we have moved seven houses with three children. I could call myself an expat expert but I’m not really, I still have lots to learn.

10 things I love: 

riding my bike

being woken up by a gentle kiss


my children’s laugh

the beach in wintertime


tin boxes of any shape and size

a good book

a beautiful landscape

’80-’90 music

5 things I miss:

the mountains in Italy

the gorgeous tulips and my bike with 2 children seats in the Netherlands

the beautiful park in the UK

the seaside walk on the Isle of Wight

the great German bakeries

my friends,the great international food and the nature in Australia

Here I write about what I do everyday, the activities I enjoy doing with my children, what I cook , how I have fun with arts and crafts and small DIY projects and many other little things that make my life so special to me.

I’d love to read your comments and hear from anybody sharing my interests.

Mrs. Bingles

25 thoughts on “About”

  1. viva Italia

  2. Thank you very much for the follow. It’s very encouraging.
    My great grandparents emigrated to Australia from a small island in the Aeolian Islands just after the turn of the last century. This country was very good to them and their descendants [with a few rocky patches along the way]. I hope you enjoy your time here. Our country would not be the interesting place that it is without the influence of people who were born elsewhere.

    • so true Terry, any country is enriched by different cultures. In Australia as in the other countries where I lived I find myself learning new little things everyday.

  3. Thanks for liking and following my blog! We share similar nomadic lifestyles with little people 🙂 I’m so glad you found my blog…so I could discover yours! Just read a few things but love the things you write about and your authentic voice.

  4. Very enjoyable About me. It seems that we both love Germany, although different things. You love bakeries and to drive fast. Well, I love German bakeries also.

  5. What an adventurous life you’re having. I’ve been dipping into your blog and thoroughly enjoying seeing Melbourne through your eyes. I imagine it must be very challenging not to have your extended family close by. We continue to be struck by how important pranzo a Domenica e’ per la famiglia.
    I hope you are enjoying Australia as much as we are enjoying Italia. If you’re looking for an interesting book to read could I suggest a couple of different Australian authors – Melina Marchetta (Looking for Alibrandi is her novel about teenagers from the second generation of Italian immigrants growing up in Sydney.) Richard Flanagan – ( The sound of one hand clapping, another second generation immigrant story but this one is set in Tasmania).

    • Thanks Jenny for your lovely comment. We are enjoying Australia so far but we are truly missing our families in Italy too. Thank yo so much for suggesting Australian authors, I’ll definetely look for these books in the near future. We visited Tasmania in January and I might opt to read Richard Flanagan book first 🙂 Enjoy your Italian summer!

  6. Hi! I was contacted today by another blogger, she told me about a TrailingSpouseStory Blog Crawl they’re doing. Every month a ‘TrailingSpouse’ blogger can participate by writing a post on a given subject. They’d like to include any TrailingSpouse willing to join. Would you be interested? I can email you the details if you want.

  7. You have had a very interesting life. (Thank you for visiting my blog, it allowed me to discover yours.) I’ve traveled to several of the United States, and to three separate states in Mexico, but I long to see Australia and New Zealand.

  8. Just stumbled across your blog. Your life seems so interesting! I love it! Can’t wait to read more!

  9. Just nominated you for the Real Neat Blog award http://tinyexpats.com/2015/01/21/real-neat-blog-award/ 😉

  10. Hey there! I’m doing a project where I’m following ten exciting, fresh, and interesting bloggers each day for the month of March 2015, and you’re today’s #1! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Have a good one!

  11. Hi Mrs. Bingles. It is great reading your blog. Me and my family just moved from Europe 2 Australia and the first thing we discovered was a German bakery that actually does bake real German bread. It is called Lüneburger. They actually only have one store in Melbourne, close to Flinders street station. Definitely worth checking out if you like German bread.

    • Hi Willemijn, thanks for the tip, I’m very fond of German cakes too. I’ve found Frank’s Elsternwick bakery that does gorgeous pretzels and I can’t recommend them more. I’ll check out Lüneburger next time I’m in the city centre. Thanks for following my blog too 🙂

  12. Dear “Mrs. Bingles”,

    What an amazing life!
    I’m Elena, journalist of Bright Expats team (https://brightexpatsblog.wordpress.com/). As you can see, we are launching our new expats’ blog about Brussels and expat’s lifes around the world, and I would be delighted to interview you for an special article about your blog and globetrotter life, do you think it’s possible to send you some brief questions? We might could help new expats in the transition to a new life abroad!

    Thanks so much for your time and I wish you a great day,


    Elena Tamarit
    Bright Expats Brussels
    The Local Partner of Global People
    Mobile: + 32 498 48 24 30
    Email: elena@brightexpats.com
    Web: http://www.brightexpats.com and http://www.settleanconnect.com

  13. You have a lovely blog! Look forward to reading many of your posts:)

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